09 Aizehu Mikoman Wednesday 20 Sivan 5777/ June 14 2017.
איזהו מקומן Class Nine. The fourth and fifth Mishnaos. העולה וזבחי שלמי ציבור ואשמות. This class entails a very long explanation of the sequence: חטאת and then עולה and then שלמים. It is explained based on the idea that a correction involves the two steps of correcting the wrong. The חטאת focuses on correcting the…
08 Aizehu Mikoman Wednesday 13 Sivan 5777/ June 7 2017.
איזהו מקומן Class Eight. The third Mishna continued. The continuation addresses the interface of infinite and finite, which is compared to a fist (infinite) and fingers (finite but precise). These ideas are represented by: A) The כבש (ramp) and the קרנות (horns) on the corners of the מזבח B)The blood above the חוט הסיקרא placed…
07 Aizehu Mikoman Wednesday 28 Iyar 5777/ May 24 2017.
איזהו מקומן Class Seven. The third Mishna inside. 1) This third Mishna marks the end of Korbanos brought inside the Beis HaMikdash. From this point onward all Korbanos were brought on the outer Mizbeach. This means that we are going to be speaking about the heart that comes from the mind, rather than heart that…
06 Aizehu Mikoman Wednesday 21 Iyar 5777/ May 17 2017. איזהו מקומן
איזהו מקומן Class Six. Inside, the second Mishna. The blood of the חטאת פנימיים which is compared to פנימיות הלב was sprayed only on the פרוכת and the מזבח הפנימי, and not in the קדש הקדשים, but it doesn’t matter that much because on deeper levels separations don’t really separate, they unify. The animal was…
05 Aizehu Mikoman Wednesday 14 Iyar 5777/ May 10 2017. איזהו מקומן
איזהו מקומן Class Five. Inside, the first Mishna פר ושעיר של יום הכיפורים. This class (and IYH those that will follow) is based on the design established in class 4, dividing קרבנות into three areas: 1) What one sacrifices to Hashem unconditionally. 2) What we get back as שפע (רוחני) ע”י הדם through the blood….
04 Aizehu Mikoman Wednesday 7 Iyar 5777/ May 3 2017.
איזהו מקומן Class Four. This class and all subsequent classes will be based very heavily on the words of the פרדס commentary on the סידור called תפילה למשה. There are eight issues repeatedly addressed in this chapter, and they are: One) Three levels of קדשים: A) קדשי קדשים where the holy is raised up to…
03 Aizehu Mikoman Wednesday 30 Nissan 5777/ April 26 2017. איזהו מקומן
איזהו מקומן Class Three. 1) The Arizal explains that there are no disputes in this Perek as this is Asiya; in Asiya there can be no disputes. Two possible explanations for this are: A. any dispute will bring to no good; B. Asiya is תמימות and accordingly beyond division. 2) The chapter begins (and is…
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