
07 Vayehi Achar (the Akeida), (Machon Chana) Class 2

Vayehi Achar (the Akeida), Class Two.WEDNESDAY 4 KISLEV 5775/ NOVEMBER 26 2014Vayehi Achar Class Two. There are many reasons to say VaYehi Achar and though the idea has been around since the Zohar, it was not said until the last few hundred years or so. This class explores why it has been recently incorporated into…

Vayehi Achar (the Akeida), Yeshiva Version, Class One.

Vayehi Achar (the Akeida), Yeshiva Version, Class One.This class gives deep and accessible insights into the enigmatic story of The Akeidah.  A great resource for gleaning personal applications from the final and most challenging test of Avraham Avinu (Our father Abraham).We introduced it briefly, and read most of the Akeida inside and translated it and…

01. Elokeinu VeElokai Avosainu (before Vayehi Achar) Machon Chana, Wednesday 19 MarCheshvan 5775/ November 12 2014.

Elokeinu VeElokai Avosainu (before Vayehi Achar) Machon Chana Wednesday 19 MarCheshvan 5775/ November 12 2014.The Akaida is said everyday. For various reasons, before and after, we say a Prayer that comes from the Rosh Hashana Davening! The prayer before is amended (from the Rosh Hashana version) to underscore the theme of living as a Jew…

Likutei Sichos – Vol 20 p 073 ff – Akaida

Vayera Patriarchs (09) Likutei Sichos – Vol 20 p 73 ff The Akaida is the last great act of Avrohom’s incredible life. Only at this point is the Mesiras Nefesh of Avrohom Avinu revealed to be totally sacrificial, giving credibility to all the sacrifices he’d made until this point.