
The Alter Rebbe’s Attitude towards Napoleon.

The Alter Rebbe’s final years (that were so positive) were interrupted (and ended) by the Napoleonic war. The Alter Rebbe’s attitude and response to Napoleon and his ideas.

Tanya, a holy book written by a holy man that embraces the Yezter Hara.

This class given at Beth Rivkah Seminary on 24 teves 5775, In this class it is underscored that the Tanya is a most encouraging (rather than discouraging) book, as it accepts the struggle of the ordinary person. Ideally it empowers one to ‘never sin again’, but one who cannot, learns from the Tanya never to…

Tanya from a Rebbe.

The Tanya written by a Rebbe for Beinonim that is truly on their level not his own.

The Alter Rebbe’s Involvement with Baalei Teshuva.

The Alter Rebbe distinguished himself (also) in his involvement with Baalei Teshuva. Some stories.

The Alter Rebbe’s three Rebbes (5775/2015)

This class given at Beis Midrash Linashim as a farbrengen for 24 Teves 5775, explores in short the Alter Rebbe’s three Rebbes 1) The holy Maggid, 2) His son the Angel ‘Reb Avrohom HaMalach’ and 3) Reb Mendel of Horodok.

Toras Menachem – 18 “Chai” Elul 5711 (02)

Introduction to farbrengen of Chai Elul 5711. The Baal Shem Tov and the Alter Rebbe’s birthdays.

Toras Menachem – Vayeshev 20 Kislev 5717 (01) – Sicha One.

Class One. 19 Kislev 5560, and the Alter Rebbe. The comparison between Chanuka and Yud Tes Kislev.

Class Fifteen.

Rabbi Schneer Zalman of Liadi, “The Alter Rebbe”. Kabbalah with a philosophical form. We’re closest to G_D on earth, Action is much more important than intent.

A class on The Alter Rebbe’s Siddur

An introduction to the Alter Rebbe’s siddur. Note: 24 Teves is the Alter Rebbe’s Yahrzeit.