
MM 5660 Min HaMaitzar – Class 07

Page 6-7. 1) The Creations of the lower worlds cannot give Hashem Ein Sof, but what they do give is special because it is unexpected, like the Mashal of the Parrot. 2) Why Ana Emloch is written in future tense, even though He is a King in His essence, because the notion of Kingship doesn’t…

MM 5660 Min HaMaitzar – Class 06

Page 5-6. Kol HaNikra Bishmi, is an allusion to the Avodah of neshamos of Atzilus and therefore altogether omitted here. ViLichvodi is relevant here, this is the avodah of Neshamos of BY”A. Ana Emloch, an explanation from the Yichuda Tata’a idea in Shaar HaYichud ViHaEmuna. Garments for representing Godliness.