
Re’ei Anochi 5746.

The Anochi of Re’ei Anochi is higher than the Anochi of Anochi Hashem Elokecha, the Ten Commandments. The idea is to bring the Anochi of Re’ei into the Anochi of the Ten Commandments, because the Torah means this is a world filled with light rather than no world at all.

Yisro 20:02 – Anochi (5766)

This class includes Rambam, Even Ezra, Ramban, Rabbeinu bechayey, Chinuch, Ralbag, Chassidus.

Sicha – Pre and Post Matan Torah- the Lesson (03)

Likutei Sichos – Vol 15 p 75 ff ANOCHI happened at Har Sinai. Hashem wrote Himself [His Will] into the Torah. It is now beyond reason. It cannot be compared to the pre Mattan Torah Torah. Page 75-6.