
Vayera 18:21 Airda Na (2005)

Vayera 18:21 Airda Na (2005) The Torah has numerous anthropomorphic allusions to Hashem: “Hashem said”, “Hashem saw”, “Hashem was walking in the garden”, “Hashem was depressed”, and so on. One of the places in Torah where this is discussed is in parshas Vayera. In the story of S’dom, the Almighty has a conversation with Avraham…

Class Seventeen in Section Two of the mind

Hashem’s hands and feet. The RaMbaM in his introduction to the More’ explains why the Torah seems simplistic, because it speaks first to the masses and only hints for the greater scholar, because the point of Torah is people should do good actions. It expects the smart people to figure it out on their own

Class Sixteen in Section Two of the mind

If you think of Hashem anthropomorphically as a child does: with simplicity, it is not a crime at all.

Class Fifteen in Section Two of the mind

The RaMbaM and the RaAvaD on the question of Hashem having a body or a form, what did the RaAvaD mean?

Sicha – Lech Lecha – (10)

When teaching children about G-D and they encounter all the anthropomorphism s in the torah how can they possibly get it right?