
10a. LiYehudim Haysa Orah (ליהודים היתה אורה) 5712-1

Class One. This class explores the השכלה in this מאמר. The three worldsבריאה , יצירה, עשי’ה succeed each other, each later world, being lower than the one above it. However to create the physical עשי’ה, requires a strength above all the worlds, represented by the words: אף עשיתיו. He also discusses אצילות כממוצע או [ביתר…

Introduction: Hoda’a- Asiya: Davening is a four rungged ladder, until Boruch Sheumar is Asiya (Machon Chana)

Introduction: Hoda’a- Asiya: Davening is a four rungged ladder, until Boruch Sheumar is Assiya (Machon Chana)Wednesday 8 Elul 5774, September 3 2014.Introduction. This class introduces a new year and explains at least basically the stage of Davening called Hoda’a.