04a. Omeid Aleihem (והוא עומד עליהם) 5713 – Class 1
Class One. Vehu Omeid Aleihem, In this Maamar Tohu and Tikun (both) are only Giluyim. Atzmus is Adam (Z”A) . Explanation.
376 Samech Vov (Complete Version) – Hashamayim Kisii – Class 07
Even when Atzmus is revealed there is still a need for Giluyim to affect that the revelation of Atzmus (itself) be revealed. The Yesh MeAyin process must come directly from Atzmus. However, there are two aspects to the manifesting of the Koach HaAtzmus: A. Ohr carries Koach HaAtzmus, and B. Malchus has in itself the…
024 Samech Vov (Complete Version) – Lulav Vearava -Class 03
P. 29 (40) אבללכל תכלה: We learned that anything that is limited anywhere whether in the beginning, the middle or the end, is limited b’etzem, limited throughout. We also learned that it means HaAras HaOneg (not Atzmus.)ATZMUS: Is NOT Hashem. Maor is NOT Hashem. Hashem is SIMPLE and has no raltionship at all to any…
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