
Likutei Sichos – Vol 18 p 271 ff – (in one class) Moshiach al pi RaMbaM (02)

Balak Class Two. This class explores the questions on each of the first four halachos. The essence of it is that Moshiach is a Halachic idea that has four steps: 1) His own personal piety, 2) His influence on Yidden, 3) His influence on Goyim through force, 4) His influence on Goyim through teaching.

Likutei Sichos – Vol 18 p 271 ff – Moshiach al pi RaMbaM (01)

Balak Class One. This class gets to the heart and center of this Sicha, which discusses the basic understanding of Moshiach according to the RaMbaM and Halacha. The end of RaMbaM is on Moshiach, because Moshiach is the end of Torah, Mitzvos, and Halacha. This means when it is all complete and we are able…

Sicha – Balak – Moshiach – It’s all about Torah and Mitzvos (01)

Likutei Sichos – Vol 18 p 271 Class 1: Why all the detail, beginning and ending would suffice.

41. Ki Merosh Tzurim 5738

Ki Merosh Tzurim 5738, Class One.Yidden don’t only have holy roots, but whatever their ancestors possessed they inherited.Additionally whatever they have down here is rooted on high.כי מראש צורים ומגבעות are the levels of Chochma and Bina which then come down through the Middos and Malchus to the lowest worlds.The greatest thing, is for what…

Likutei sichos – Vol 38 p 100 ff – Times of Moshiach described in two thoughts

The description of the times of Moshach and his dominance over the world is described in two thoughts. 1) He will rule from sea to sea. 2) From the River until the end of the earth. This Sicha explores why two thoughts. It explains that this is work a person does on himself and the…

Likutei Sichos – Vol 13 p 085 ff – RaShI and RaMbaM on Bilaam’s Prophecy

RaShI and the RaMbaM on the Pesukim Balak 24, 17-19 1) Rashi holds that these Pesukim were Bilam’s way of informing Balak that he had no reason to fear from the Jewish people because it would a long time before they would conquer Moav. RaMbaM holds that this was Bilam’s way of informing Balak the…

Ma Tovu 5744

Why does it say only once ‘Ma Tovu’ for Ohalim and Mishkanos? Answer: by Jews even the temporary, Ohel, is permanent.

מה טובו ה’תשמא.

Class One. In this class the מאמר establishes the idea that each and every פסוק in פרשת בלק is about תשובה. Since the story of בלק and בלעם is about the transforming a curse into a blessing, so too the lesson of the Parsha is in תשובה. Class Two. There are four levels of תשובה,…

Balak 22:05 – Bilaam and his Prophecy (5770)

Balak 22-05. Bilaam and his prophecy. (5770).What does it all mean?

Balak 22:02 – Balak’s Motivation (5767)

Balak 22-02. First Possuk (5767).A detailed analysis of Balak’s MotivationThis class will give you deep insight into the story of Balak. Sources covered: Rashi (with interpretation from Ra’av, Taz, a sicha from the Lubavitcher Rebbe), Eben Ezra, Sforna, Tur, Abarbanel, Alshich, Shela, and a ma’amar from the Rebbe. As part of studying the ma’amar, Rabbi…