
Toras Menachem – Bamidbar 5719 (01)

Class One: Page 309-10. The question: why is the location of the count of Yidden “Midbar Sinai” pointed out at the beginning of Parshas Bamidbar? The issue of Sinai being a source of hatred.

(end of) Bamidbar- Nasso; Counting Leviim a second time (for work) (Yeshiva 5781/ 2021)

(end of) Bamidbar- Nasso; Counting Leviim a second time (for work) Yeshiva 5781/ 2021.Parshas Nasso continues the count of the Leviim.Perhaps it is the fact that Bamidbar is (usually) before Mattan Torah, when WHO YOU WERE was more important that WHAT YOU DID; and Nasso is after Mattan Torah, when WHAT YOU DO is more…

Bamidbar 01- 47, 49; 03- 15 – Counting Leviim (Yeshiva 5781/ 2021)

Bamidbar 01- 47, 49; 03- 15 – Counting Leviim (Yeshiva 5781/ 2021). Counting LeviimCounting Yidden (was and) is a very precise endeavor; but Leviim were first said not to be counted; and later they were said to be counted from a different age and using a different method.Ultimately they are counted twice!!What does this mean?There…

Toras Menachem – Bamidbar 5715 (07)

Class Seven. Page 82. Along the same lines of the Sicha, this is why we must learn Chabad Chassidus rather than Chassidus HaKlalis, moreover we must learn the Chabad Chassidus of the later Rabbeiim.  

Toras Menachem – Bamidbar 5715 (03)

Class Three: Page 78- 9. The place called רפידים means רפו ידיהם מדברי תורה. When it comes to Torah if it is not in the hands it isn’t really Torah! Torah (starts higher than intellect and therefore) extends lower than intellect.  

Toras Menachem – Bamidbar 5715 (02)

Class Two. Page 77-8. Midrash about Gzaira and the Bitul HaGezaira.  

Toras Menachem – Bamidbar 5712 (01a) First Sicha – Review

Review. Review of first Sicha. The Hatred of Gashmiyus, makes Hashem a master over this world.

Toras Menachem – Bamidbar 5712 (01) First Sicha

The Gemara says that Har Sinai brought hate down into the world. This means, a Yid’s hate and distaste for Gashmiyus (per se’).

Bamidbar 03:01 – Students are Children (5780/ 2020 Yeshiva)

Bamidbar 03- 01 Students are children (5780/ 2020 Yeshiva)כל המלמד את בן חבירו תורה מעלה עליו הכתוב כאילו ילדוThe Alter Rebbe called the Ba’al Shem Tov “Zaideh” as he was his teacher’s teacher.Reb Boruch of Mezibuzh was the biological grandson and the Alter Rebbe “the real” grandson.Aharon’s children are Moshe’s as he taught them Torah.Yehoshua…

שאו את ראש ה’תש”מ.

The idea that Yidden have a fixed number: 600,000 בסוד שרש doesn’t make the additional Yidden mere actualization of the כלל of נשמות because there is another side to this coin: 1) The Bracha of Moshe adds more 2) A Yid like רשב”י who is on the level of עושין רצונו של מקום שמלאכתן נעשית…