
01. Basi Ligani 5711 (Muga). One class, short version

The Rebbe’s first Maamar discusses the first chapter of the Frierdike Rebbe’s Basi Ligani. This Ma’amar is also the charge for our (“the seventh generation”) time. To bring “The Schechina back down to the lowest realm”. This Maamar includes 1) a commentary on the Frierdike Rebbe’s Basi Ligani (5710) chapter one. It discusses a. Ikar…

Basi Legani 5731, (5771/ 2011).

Part One. Ikar Shechina BiTachtonim Haysa. Part Two. Yerida Tzorech Aliya (even from sin) reveals the maala of “helem”. Part Three. Iskafia brings down Ohr that is higher than the Tzimtzum, Ishapecha qualifies the world as a vessel to recieve it.