
Basi Ligani 5734 (Ma’amar One)

Class One. This class includes: 1) an introduction and overview of Basi Ligani, 2) The Question: How can the Nefesh HaElokis and Nefesh haBahamis ever interface? they are opposites. Only Hashem can join opposites together through ‘Nimna HaNimnaos’ but not man. Example one: The Gedula and Gevura employed in creation. The Rebbe shows that they…

Basi Ligani 5714.

Class One. The first class on this Ma’amar explores: 1) an introduction: Iskafia and Ishapcha and ‘Tzivos Hashem’, 2) Korbanos, Shtus and transforming Sheker, 3) Shtus has three prakim: 3. Shtus of Klipa, 5. Shtus of Kedusha, and 4. what bridges the two. 4) Yaakov Chevel Nachalaso is where Klipa (shtus DiLeumas Ze) can dominate…