Voyomer Hashem El Moshe Ma Titzak ailai 5746.
This Maamar is a Hemshech (continuation) from the Basi Ligani. The Rebbe explained that in ch. 16 of the Frierdike Rebbe’s Basi Ligani the two ideas of Ohr Ein Sof Limmala Ad Ein Ketz and Limata Ad Ein Tachlis are in the same light. This Shiur begins by completing what was left uncompleted in the…
Basi Ligani 5746.
1) the Yerida and Aliya of the (original seven sins as well as all future Yeridos due to) chataim makes our effort at Dira BiTachtonim one of a Baal teshuva and Milchama Gedola achieved with Avoda Gedola (of Simcha). 2) Moshe’s giluy at Har Sinai was the beginning, the full giluy was in the Beis…
Vayehi BiEtzem Hayom Haze’…. Tzivos Hashem 5746. (5772/2012).
This Maamar is based on the Maamar of Parshas Bo 5683, when our Rebbe came to his Rebbe (the RaYatz) for the first time. The Maamar said that Shabbos, would be repeated 27 years later as the Maamar Basi Ligani 5710 of the Previous Rebbe’s histalkus. On the occasion of the printing of this early…
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