Basi Ligani 5732 (5772/2012).
Class One. Basi Ligani 5732 is (perhaps) a follow up to the end of Basi Ligani 5712. There he concluded chapter 4 with the idea of Yiddishkeit without any intellectual reason or any reciprocity at all. This entire Maamar revolves around the following idea: Perek 1 spoke of bringing G-dliness down and making Him a…
Basi Legani 5731, (5771/ 2011).
Part One. Ikar Shechina BiTachtonim Haysa. Part Two. Yerida Tzorech Aliya (even from sin) reveals the maala of “helem”. Part Three. Iskafia brings down Ohr that is higher than the Tzimtzum, Ishapecha qualifies the world as a vessel to recieve it.
17-18. Basi Ligani 5730 (Muga)
Part One. It’s Ultimately About “Neshomos yerida tzorech aliya” (Souls going down for the purpose of going up again) 29.85 MB – 1 hour and 5 minutes Part Two. 1) All of a Jew’s challenges come from himself. 2) Iskafia & Ishapcha in machshava zara.
18. Basi Ligani 5727
Class One.This is the Motzei Shabbos Maamar. The Shabbos Maamar is unavailale. This Maamar is based on the Frierdike Rebbe’s Maamar from 5710 ch. 17. Class Two.
Basi Legani 5716 באתי לגני התשט”ז.
Class One. Introduction to Basi Ligani as a whole. Three examples for אתכפיא ואתהפכא: 1) קרבנות 2) שטות דלעו”ז לשטות דקדושה, this involves the word for not good being transformed to good. 3) שקר לקרש this involves the individual letters of the word for not good (שקר, שין, קוף, ריש) being transformed to good. The…
Basi Ligani 5715
Class One. Shtus Dikdusha, higher than any reason, can only be expressed at times and events that match the energy of the Shtus, Example: at a wedding. The primary example is Dira BiTachtonim as it is higher than any reason it elicits Shtus DiKdusha. 1) From there can come Midas HaHishtavus, 2) The bringing down…
Basi Ligani 5714.
Class One. The first class on this Ma’amar explores: 1) an introduction: Iskafia and Ishapcha and ‘Tzivos Hashem’, 2) Korbanos, Shtus and transforming Sheker, 3) Shtus has three prakim: 3. Shtus of Klipa, 5. Shtus of Kedusha, and 4. what bridges the two. 4) Yaakov Chevel Nachalaso is where Klipa (shtus DiLeumas Ze) can dominate…
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