
Tanya (3) Nefesh HaBahamis

Tanya (3) Nefesh HaBahamis.A short little class encompassing the end of Perek 1, Perakim 6-7 and beginning of Perek 8: What is the Nefesh HaBahamisThree aspects1) Essence: fire wind water or earth2) Form: mind heart senses3) Expression: thought speech action, cam stay the same cam go up and can go down.

Tanya (1) The Tanya is based on the Possuk Ki Karov Ailecha HaDavar Miod BiFicha Uvilvuvecha La’Asoso

Tanya (1) Ki Karov. – Ki Karov Beinoni – It is Close To You… (Directed to a Beinoni)This series is based on 1) title page, 2) beg Ch 16, 3) beg Ch 17, [4) beg Ch 8,] 5) End Ch 19, 6) beg Ch 25, 7) Chapter 35There are two types of Beinoni using different…

Teshuva in Tanya (do more)

Teshuva is done by doing more good (Ig Hateshuva Ch 9), a little more (Ch 15) a lot more (Ch 30).

02. Brachos on Tefillin

02. Brachos on TefillinShel Yad: the Bracha is the act of putting on (which takes an instant.)Shel Rosh: the Bracha is about wearing them because every second there is a new Mitzvah.It is harder to control the heart, and therefore the obligation is to control the actions of the heart, but not heart itself; while…

01. Brachos on Tzitzis

01. Brachos on TzitzisTwo Brachos,Al Mitzvas Tzitzis vs LiHisatef BaTzitzi.One talks of having them on, the other of wrapping ourselves in them.The connection to ברכי נפשי and מה יקר

After Birchas HaTorah (short class, Yeshiva 5780)

After Birchas HaTorah (short class, Yeshiva 5780)Three parts of Torah follow Birchas HaTorah:1) Pesukim, Birchas Kohanim (number (60) most distinctive2) Mishna- no Shiur, but really there IS a limit it’s just not hard and fixed.3) Braisa- Schar- truly infinite

21.2 The Three Brachos of Birchas HaTorah (short class, Yeshiva 5780)

The Three Brachos of Birchas HaTorah (short class, Yeshiva 5780)על דברי תורה It’s a constant Mitzvah.המלמד תורה לעמו ישראל Hashem is a Melamed.נתן לנו… נותן התורה with the Torah He gives Himself.

Vayishlach – Overview- After he finished with Aisav… (5780 Yeshiva)

Vayishlach (5780 Yeshiva) After he finished with Aisav…This class given at the Yeshiva, discusses various points in the Parsha. It includes the story of Binyomin and his challenges, the story of Shimon and Levi (listening to your father), and why the people of Shechem were all guilty and deserving of the punishment they got.

Vayera (tests, Bris and more) (Yeshiva 5780)

Avrohom’s tests This Parsha Class discusses: 1) The idea of tests and the feat of passing all 10 2) The idea of the Bris, and what it changed 3) Avrohom Davens for Sdom!!!

Beginners Talk on Chassidus; Given at Chabad of Colonie, New York. (5779/ 2019)

Given at Chabad of Colonie, New York. (5779/ 2019) Point One: Chassidus is about finding the Jew inside. Point Two: Right and wrong are not that difficult to figure out, it is doing them that is the challenge. Point Three: Action really matters above all else.