
Toldos – Overview – Beginners class – Yitzchak’s Wells (1999)

Overview, beginners Toldos TOLDOS 1999 – YITZCHAK’S WELLS The Torah tells us that Yitzchak re-opened the wells that Avraham Avinu had dug but were blocked. This narrative is analyzed to reveal the focus of Yitzchak’s life and how his path built onto the foundation laid by his father. This class is accessible to everyone. We…

Chayey Sara – Beginners Class – Overview (1999)

Beginners. CHAYE SARA 1999 – THE PHASES OF AVRAHAM AVINU’S AVODAS HASHEM CLASS. This class from the Maayan Chai series provides an overview of Avraham Avinu’s life – especially in terms of his Avodas Hashem and builds a basis for a better understanding of the Akeidah. This class is accessible to everyone and is a…

Chayey Sara – Overview (5772/2011)

An overview with some observations. Sara passes away, purchase of Mearas HaMachpeila, Yitzchok’s Shidduch. Kitura, The death of Avrohom and Yishmoel.

Vayera – Beginners Class – Bris Mila of Yitzchok

Bris Mila of Yitzchok A beginners class on the Parsha. This class from the Maayan Chai series covers the inner meaning of the bris mila of Avraham Avinu compared to that of Ishmael and finally Yitzchak. This class was transferred from tape and cleaned to the extent possible. Please excuse any remaining noise.

Vayera – Overview (5772/2011).

An overview with some observation. Avrohom Avinu after the Bris.

Lech Lecha – An Overview (5772)

This beginners class overviews all of the Parsha focusing especially on the various stages in Avrohom Avinu’s life.

Noach – Beginners Class – The Rainbow

Beginner Parsha Class. This class from the 1999/2000 Maayan Chai series is accessible to all listeners. Parshas Noach is reviewed including many interesting details regarding the mabul (flood), The primary focus of the shiur is the keshes (rainbow). Including a story on the Ruzhiner which is timely as the yarzheit of this tzadik is coming…

SERIES ON KING IN THE FIELD, Class 16, Sukkos Class One.


Class Fifteen.

Rabbi Schneer Zalman of Liadi, “The Alter Rebbe”. Kabbalah with a philosophical form. We’re closest to G_D on earth, Action is much more important than intent.

Class Fourteen.

The Chassidic Movement. Rabbi Yisroel Ba’al Shem Tov. The epicenter of Judaism is the Jew not Judaism. The lowest world is the point of everything.