
Class Three.

Class Three.Sofrim and the Anshei Kneses HaGedola and “the reformation” away from Prophecy (spiritual and mystical) towards academics and law.

Class Two.

Class Two.Mysticism of the Prophets: the divine Chariots.

Class One.

Prophecy is mysticism.

SERIES ON KING IN THE FIELD, Class 12, Yom Kippur Class One.

SERIES ON KING IN THE FIELD CLASS 12, Yom Kippur Class One. Yom Kippur as it fits into the overall avoda (work or service) of the Elul/Tishrei period in the Jewish year. The super mitzvah of teshuvah.

Series on the King in the field Class 8 (Rosh Hashana)

Series on the ”King in the Field” CLASS 8, Rosh Hashana Class 1. When The Prayer of One Has the Power of Ten “Search for Hashem when He is close. Call Him when He is near.” (a passuk [line] from Yeshiyahu [Isaiah]). The Gemara explains that this refers to the 10 days “between” Rosh Hashana and Yom…

Series on the ”King in the Field” Class 1.

Series on the ”King in the Field” CLASS 1. This is part of the greater ELUL- TISHREI series. We’ve included here only the ELUL matters. The Hebrew word for year “shana” means both repetition and change. This class focuses on the cycle of the Jewish year and the opportunities for personal growth it offers us….

Matos/Masei – The Lighter Side of Chumrahs (1999)

The Three Weeks always carries us from Matos/Masei into Devarim. Rabbi Paltiel explores the connection between beginning Sefer Devarim (Deuteronomy) and the practice of taking on chumrahs (stringencies) in the observance of Halacha (Jewish Law). How do chumrahs bring more light into Jewish life? Plus a discussion of the war with Midyan.

Bo – Beginners Class – Leaving Mitzrayim (1999)

Parshas Bo in the Mayaan Chai Series. Note: The questions in this class could not be amplified due to distortion in the recording and the low volume of the questions. However, the content of the questions is clear from the answers.

Beshalach – Song at the Sea (Az Yashir) (1999)

Beshalach Shiur from the Mayaan Chai Series Az Yashir