
Mishpatim – Beginner Class – Quiet This is What I Want! (1999)

The Mishpatim shiur from the Mayaan Chai Series.Beginners Class.

Shlach 15:38 – Beginner’s Class – Tzitzis (1999)

A Beginners classA great shiur on Tzitzis including history and more

Lectures on Kabbala.

This enjoyable talk was given on the last day of a Shabbaton held in Crown Heights in 2007 (Shabbos Terumah). The original title was the Kabbala Craze and the focus is on how Kabbalistic and Chassidic philosophy fit into spiritual life. This talk is at an introductory level and is not text based. The question…

Pinchas – Beginner – You Can Be a Jew in the Real World (1999)

This class addresses the challenges the Jews faced as their entry to Eretz Yisroel came closer. After leaving the midbar they would have to learn to find Hashem in the world itself without open miracles. All of you who are farming or gardening will appreciate this shiur! There is also a very interesting discussion of…

Pekudei – Beginner – (1999)

Pekudei 1999 – Mayaan ChaiBeginners Class

Vayakhel – Beginner (1999)

Vayakhel 1999 – Maayan Chai Series

Breishis – Boro Park Series (1999)

Bereishis 1999 – Boro Park Series Enjoy this Classic Paltiel class from the Maayan Chai Series.