BeHar 25:14 – Kinyanim (5768)(02)
Behar 25-14. Kinyanim.- the laws of acquisition. (How does one posses something according to the Torah). (5768). Class two.
BeHar 25:14 – Kinyanim (5768)(01)
Behar 25-14. Kinyanim.- the laws of acquisition. (How does one possess something according to the Torah). (5768). Class One.
BeHar 25:42, 25:55 – Avadai Haim (Achei Temimim 5782/ 2022)
BeHar 25- 42; 55 Avadai Haim (Achei Temimim 5782/ 2022).Explaining why it is brought up twice in this Parsha, to explain why the Eved Ivri goes out by Yovel; we belong to Him First שטרי קודם.The Sforno explains that it is being said to the Yid who sold himself, he is given freedom not because…
BeHar 25:05 – Sfichim (Yeshiva 5781/ 2021)
25-05. Sfichim (what grows by itself).The self growing foliage may be treated more strictly than that on plants (in the sixth year) outright.The concept mystically, there are no new Neshamos (in Galus), but all the Neshamos of Galus are Gilgulim… what was planted long ago but grown now.The idea of seeds germinating and surfacing long…
Behar 25:14 -The Laws of Kinyanim and a Lesson (Yeshiva 5780)
Parshas Behar (Yeshiva 5780) in the middle of the (holy) laws of Eretz Yisroel- all the laws of Kinyan are inserted.A review of many Halachos and Torah-attitudes and a lesson: the ordinary must be holy.
בהר סיני ה’תש”מ (for the 2nd time).
Hemshech Part Three. Class One. Introduction: the word טבע in the נשמה includes the personality limitations based on the מטבע שטיבען and the ענין של יחידה that has a טבע of connection to Hashem. On this basis we learn the מאמר which speaks of three levels: 1) טבע the nature of the Neshama, 2) עבודה…
Ki Sav….. Vishavsa … Shabbos 5746.
The Shabbos that comes before to give Koach already has the actual Shabbos on all it’s levels that will come later when actualized. This affects each moment of the work to be a Shabbosdike moment.
BeHar 25:14 – Onaa; Halachos and Chassidus of Ona’a (Price Inflation)
BeHar 25-14. Onaa- the law against abusing another in business or personal matters. (5769).The Laws of Ona’a (ona’a means inflating prices above or below a certain threshold). Sources: Rashag, Rashi, E. Ezra, Abarbanel, Alschich, Ramban, Sforno, Gemara, Chinuch, Tzemach Tzedek
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