
Tanya (text based) Chapter 14 Class 4 (113)

Tanya Chapter 14 Class 4 (113).The focus of this class is to clarify that Hashem did not create us to be perfect – He created us to be ourselves.  Two approaches to Avodas Hashem as a Beinoni are contrasted: with and without emotion.   The avodah of serving Hashem with no feelings – with kabbalos…

Tanya (text based) Chapter 14 Class 1 (110)

Tanya Chapter 14 Class 1 (110)0:00 – 4:16 Intro to the perek4:16 –  5:38 Perek 14 is a new Beinoni – the Middos HaBeinoni.  Madregas HaBeinoni describes a personality (inyan from mehus) versus Middos HaBeinoni which describes a behavior.  You have to be somebody and you have to do something.  5:39    Begin to read inside…

Tanya (text based) Chapter 13 Class 5 (109)

Tanya Chapter 13 Class 5 (109)To the Tzadik, what the Beinoni does is false, as the Possuk indicates שפת אמת תכן לעד (if it’s true it’s forever) ועד ארגיעה לשון שקר (what is temporary is a lie.)But to the Beinoni [and the Alter Rebbe himself הריני קורא…] it is Emes1) He can reawaken the Hisorerus…

Tanya (text based) Chapter 13 Class 4 (108)

Tanya Chapter 13 Class 4 (108)A Beinoni may be Tzadik-like during Davening but afterwards it leaves.Rabba “made the mistake that he is a Beinoni as he saw his Torah, as most people’s Tefilla, and he learned day and night so the Yetzer HaRa never got the chance to show itself (but that it was there).

Tanya (text based) Chapter 13 Class 2 (106)

Tanya Chapter 13 Class 2 (106)(This is a shorter class).We continue analyzing the Gemarahs sighted on the first page of the Tanya.This class speaks to the idea of …כל העולם כולו אומרים לך צדיק אתה היא בעיניך כרשע there is a great difference between רשע and כרשע.כרשע means that he is vulnerable to the same…

Tanya (text based) Chapter 12 Class 7 (104) In Two Parts

Tanya Chapter 12 Class 7 (104a), Part One.The idea of Hirhur and Machshava are discussed here again, what is and what isn’t an Aveira. Tanya Chapter 12 Class 7 (104b), Part Two.The Beinoni in matters of בין אדם לחבירו both in action and in thought, to learn from Yosef HaTzadik.In Pnimiyus, thought is worse than…

Tanya (text based) Chapter 12 Class 6 (103)

Tanya Chapter 12 Class 6 (103)More on Teva and Elokus and help from above, because the Nefesh HaBahamis is still present and expressed in its stronghold, the left side of the heart even if it never fills the space of “the small city” which means the body. The Beinoni’s Yetzer HaRa (“is limited” by its)…

Tanya (text based) Chapter 12 Class 5 (102)

Tanya Chapter 12 Class 5 (102).Review of last few weeks: 1) Melucha and Memshala2) Two motivations for the Beinoni when he is (only) a Moshel:A. The Teva (nature, which means the animal Soul!!) of מוח שליט על הלבB. The idea that light of Goodness and G-dliness being stronger than darkness. This is actually the G-dly…

Tanya (text based) Chapter 12 Class 4 (101)

Tanya Chapter 12, Class 4 (101).The second way the beinoni (when in the Memshala state) defeats the Yetzer HaRa is due to the idea that this (good vs evil) is a fight between light and darkness (not only “nature.”)And this is also through the help of Chochma, like the idea of הקב”ה עוזרו in the…

Tanya (text based) Chapter 12 Class 3 (100).

Tanya Perek 12, Class 3 (100).The מדריגת הבינוני works because he goes from מלוכה to ממשלה and back again (whenever he chooses to).This is the first class on ממשלה.The idea of מוח שליט על הלב is first of all שליט and מולך.Secondly, it is the idea of בטבע- the nature (even of the Jewish) animal…