
Chamisha Asar BiShvat, Class Three.

Chamisha Asar BiShvat, Class Three.Yesh MeAyin, its meaning, the difference between this process as it applies to plants (זרעים ירקות) and trees (אילן נטוע או זרוע עושה פירות and their fruit).כי האדם עץ השדה (Is this a question or a statement) [??] [!!]Are people like fruit trees or are they not like fruit tress?

The Mitteler Rebbe (04) – His Demand

His Demand: The Order of the day in the Mitteler Rebbe’s generation was to be steeped in the study of Elokus to the point of mesiras Nefesh: there was nothing else.

The Emes of the Alter Rebbe (5774/ 2013, long version, Beis Rivka).

His Emes (5774/ 2013, long version, Beis Rivka).

The Mitteler Rebbe (03) – His Generation

Two Classes (Beth Rivkah Seminary 5780) On the Mitteler Rebbe His Generation: The Mitteler Rebbe was a Rebbe for only 15 years but it was a most intense period, he raised his chassidim to extraordinary heights.