
The Rebbe’s Leadership. (Beis Rivka Seminary 5772) – Class 18

18. Years 5731-33. 5731 fill the world with Torah, 5732 71 Mosdos, Russian immigrants help, 5733 Anticipation of the upcoming war in Israel and children.

The Rebbe’s Leadership. (Beis Rivka Seminary 5772) – Class 16

16. Moshiach’s Sefer Torah. 1) Shchuna upkeep, 2) Nachalas Har Chabad, 3) Siyum Sefer Torah of Moshiach. The history behind it and the story.

The Rebbe’s Leadership. (Beis Rivka Seminary 5772) – Class 15b

15b. Shlaimus HaAretz, not to trade land for (so called) peace. Shlaimus HaAretz, the Rebbe’s stand (starting just after after the Six Day war) not to give away any of the territories we had liberated by the grace and with the great miracles of Hashem to anyone. 1) It’s our land, 2) One isn’t allowed…

The Rebbe’s early years. (Beis Rivka Seminary 5773). Class 03

Class Three. 1) The Rebbe’s father and Rebbe, 2) Meeting the Rebbetzin, 3) Visiting the Frierdiker Rebbe in Rostov and Leningrad, 4) His involvement in the underground work.

The Rebbe’s early years. (Beis Rivka Seminary 5773). Class 02

Class Two. Stories about the Rebbe’s early years. His intellectual genius in Torah and all other areas of knowledge. The immigrants in World War 1; The Typhus epidemic. Did not know the Rebbe RAShaB.

The Rebbe’s Leadership. (Beis Rivka Seminary 5772) – Class 15a

15a. A folder of classes on Sichos and more on the six day war [Click Here] In conjunction with 50 years since the six day war (5727-5777/ 1967-2017) we reviewed the Sichos spoken at that time about this event and its affect and meaning spiritually, you can listen to those classes by clicking above..

The Rebbe’s Leadership. (Beis Rivka Seminary 5772) – Class 15

15. The Six day war and the Rebbe. “The Six Day War”, the Rebbe’s optimism, The Tefillin campaign and the Teshuva hisorerus that the Rebbe saw as unfolding from it.

Moshiach Longer Version (5776) – Class 01

Class One. 1) RaMbaM predicting return of (special kind of) Prophecy as preparation for the coming, The Rebbe connects this to the great onset and radiation of Kabalah and Mikubalim at the time the RaMbaM predicted (4,976/1276)/ 2) The Arizal- beginning of the third Ashmora of the night. BeShT morning of sixth millennium, All these…

Moshiach Longer Version (5776) – Class 02

Class Two. 3) The letter from Erev Rosh Hashana 5507, spreading Chassidus will bring Moshiach, according to Moshiach. 4) story of the war of 1812 the Alter Rebbe wanted Napoleon to lose so it would be better for Yidden spiritually. 5) The three Tzadikim in 5575 (1814-15) who tried to bring Moshiach and it didn’t…

Moshiach Longer Version (5776) – Class 03

Class Three. 6) The Alter Rebbe’s קץ [Ketz] of 5603 when he said 5608, the Likutei Torah was printed. The confusion about the details of this story. 7) מאמר אין הקב”ה בא בטרוניא עם בריותיו תרמ”ח, the story and the event, the simple people’s responses and the smart man’s cynicism and the Rebbe RaShaB’s declaration…