384 Samech Vov (Complete Version) – Siyum Hadrush – Class 03
Higher than Pesukei Malchiyos and Zichronos is Shofros. This reaches Atzmus itself and is the Avoda of Ben SheNaase Eved. Torah with bittul touches Atzmus. The Atzmus is revealed as it says “Ata Niglaisa…”. This highest level is not really and fully revealed until Yom Kippur. Atzmus is above eating and being nourished from outside…
313 Samech Vov (Complete Version) – Im Bichukosai – Class 03
Page 438 ff. NEW SV p. 576 ff. The Avoda of Emes LaAmito [i.e. how can one touch Him], only through Bittul. Ben shena’ase’ Eved. This part of the maamar revisits many of the old ideas as this sugia winds down. The Zohar lMan didayak bMili diChukmasa, etc.
294 Samech Vov (Complete Version) – VaHashem Amar – Class 08
Conclusion of the idea of “Ben Shenaase’ Eved”. We now go back to earlier points in the hemshech (Series). 1) Ben Shenaase Eved. (P. 380 ff.), 2) Toras Havaya and Toraso (The Torah is Hashem’s; and on a higher level it is your own) (p. 385 ff.), 3) Hakim Ola Shel Torah, The Kabalas Ol…
278 Samech Vov (Complete Version) – Amar Reb Akiva Ashreichem Yisroel – Class 03
Continued. pages 384-5, NEW SV pages 505-7.
277 Samech Vov (Complete Version) – Amar Reb Akiva Ashreichem Yisroel – Class 02
How a “Ben” achieves “Eved” in short: Going away from the illuminated (Ohr) of Torah to struggle in its darkness. Osiyos of Torah SheBiksav are radiant by going away from that light. It becomes possible to be “Michadesh” chidushei Torah (innovate new ideas) entirely through personal effort and reach “Atzmus”. page 383-4, NEW SV page…
276 Samech Vov (Complete Version) – Amar Reb Akiva Ashreichem Yisroel – Class 01
Introduction to the idea of “Ben Shenaase’ Eved”- the point of the entire Samach vov- how great Tzadikim can reach Atzmus through their Kabalas Ol (in Torah, Halacha). First he repeats the impossibility of this task using the Mashal of the child whose wealth comes from enhancing his father’s wealth. Explaining the idea that Z”A…
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