
Exile and Redemption (127) – Miriam never stops waiting and the lesson (02) – Sefer Hasichos 5752 Vol 1 page 303 ff

Beshalach Exile and Redemption (127)(02) Sefer Hasichos 5752 vol 1 page 303 ff Class Two. The women of today, like Miriam bring Moshiach as they are the Gilgulim of those Neshamos,and they too refuse to stop waiting.

Exile and Redemption (127) – Miriam never stops waiting and the lesson (01) – Sefer Hasichos 5752 Vol 1 page 303 ff

Beshalach Exile and Redemption (127)(01) Sefer Hasichos 5752 vol 1 page 303 ff.Class One.Miriam means the bitterness of Galus because she lived it.Also because she never stops waiting for the Geula and that is what brings it.

Exile and Redemption (122) – Miracle vs Divine Revelation (02) – Likutei Sichos Vol 02 page 519-520.

Beshalach Exile and Redemption (122)(02) Likutei Sichos vol. 02 page 519-520. Class Two: AT Krias Yam Suf the children recognized Him (first). Those who suffered the most and were most affected by the darkness became closest to Him. It is about the children.

Exile and Redemption (122) – Miracle vs Divine Revelation (01) – Likutei Sichos Vol 02 page 519-520.

Beshalach Exile and Redemption (122)(01) Likutei Sichos vol. 02 page 519-520. Class One, Introduction: The difference between a miracle and a divine revelation. There were many miracles associated with Yetzias Mitzrayim but few divine revelations. These revelations were stage setters for the “breaking of the divide” between “Higher and lower” that would take place at…

Exile and Redemption (117) – Midbar (03) – Sefer HaSichos 5752 vol. 1 page 308 ff.

Beshalach Sefer HaSichos 5752 vol. 1 page 308 ff. Class Three. There is an upside to delaying the entry into Eretz Yisroel for 40 years, the Birur of the Midbar.

Exile and Redemption (117) – Midbar (02) – Sefer HaSichos 5752 vol. 1 page 308 ff.

Beshalach Sefer HaSichos 5752 vol. 1 page 308 ff. Class Two. Inside, traveling with Hashem in the מדבר going quick but not too quick. It takes longer than planned.

Exile and Redemption (117) – Midbar (01) – Sefer HaSichos 5752 vol. 1 page 308 ff.

Beshalach Sefer HaSichos 5752 vol. 1 page 308 ff. Class One. Introduction to פרשת בשלח and actually leaving מצרים. The birth of the Jewish nation in both components: 1) the perfect “one”. The example of Iyov and his tests, Avrohom passed them all. 2) and the Nation of Israel. Moshe is raised in the palace…