
Tipol Aleihem 5731.

A Pesach Maamar.

Vayomer Moshe El Yehushua… Tzai hilachem BaAmalaik 5722.(5773/2013). This is a Zachor Ma’amar.

Class One. Beginning and the end of the Ma’amar was discussed in this class. Amalaik can only get you after you leave Egypt (simple faith) and before you become rich (Pnimiyus HaMochin UMidos) when you enter the holy land.This is the meaning of Baderech (on the road) after you left Egypt (prior to the entry…

Kimei Tzeischa MeEretz Mitzrayim… 5722.

This Ma’amar is (on the surface) very vague and difficult. The idea (seems to be) is that the splitting of sea at Yetzias Mitzrayim and of Bekias HaNahar when Moshiach comes as a preparation for the revelations of the Torah (which is Chochma) that was to follow. The Ma’amar is trying to understand how Midos…

Beshalach 17:08 – Vayavo Amalek

The story of the attack against the Yidden in the days before the giving of the Torah by the nation called Amalek. Who were they? why did they attack? and why now? Why are they the eternal enemy? This class includes Even Ezra, Rashi, Chizkuni, Tosefos (Midrash), Tziyuni and Chassidus (Maamar 5742).

Beshalach 15:11 – Mi Chamocha (in Az Yashir)

This is a Siddur class that also explains that the Possuk Mi Chamocha is about Hashem’s influence on the world, that travels from ‘heaven to earth’ through various levels of angels. The challenge is not to see the Angels, but Hashem, that is made available through their being intermediates, but mustn’t be blocked out because…

Beshalach 14:15 – Ma Tizak Ailoi

Instead of praying, act!

Parshas Bo and Bishalach(5775/2015).

Two Parshiyos connected to Yud Shvat and the significance of this.

Beshalach – Song at the Sea (Az Yashir) (1999)

Beshalach Shiur from the Mayaan Chai Series Az Yashir

Beshalach 13:17 – First Possuk Series – A Healthy Simcha (5767)

Beshalach 13-17. First Possuk. (5767)This class is on Parshas Beshalach but it ends with an inspirational idea for Purim! This class is part of the continuing series on the first pasuk of the parsha and discusses why the fear of contact with the Plishtim is the starting point for this parsha. Sources include: Rashi, Even…