
Biha’alosecha 10:11 – Rejoicing at Leaving the Holy Mountain (Yeshiva Achei Temimim 5782/ 2022)

Biha’alosecha 10-11 Rejoicing at leaving the holy Mountain (Yeshiva Achei Temimim 5782/ 2022)There are four tragedies in our Parsha:1) Rejoicing at leaving Har Sinai2) Complaining at the rate of travel (מתאוננים)3) Protesting Divine Food, for the most absurd reasons (קברות התאוה)4) Miriam’s Lashon HaRa and subsequent Tzara’as.Pehaps the strangest of all is the first one:…

Biha’alosecha 08-11 What’s with Merori? A Thought and a Perspective (Yeshiva Achei Temimim 5782/ 2022)

Biha’alosecha 08-11 What’s with Merori? A thought and a perspective (Yeshiva Achei Temimim 5782/ 2022).The question of parity is raised; why is Merori less than Kehas and (even) Gershon?The world exists because of a lack of parity, what makes it fair is each person’s life against the possibility HE was given.But still why is Merori…

Biha’alosecha 08:05~22 – The “Leviification of the Leviim” (Yeshiva 5781/ 2021)

Biha’alosecha 08-05-22 the “Leviification of the Leviim” (Yeshiva 5781/ 2021).The “making of the Leviim happened only once in the history of Torah and Leviim.The story doesn’t get the attention it should get.What was the ceremony? The Chizkuni. 1) Shaving all hair, 2) Para Aduma ash, 3) Mikva 4) Moshe stood them, 5) Yidden leaned on…

Biha’alosecha 12:01 – Miriam and Aharon’s Mistake (5769/2009)

Biha’alosecha 12-01. Miriam and Aharon’s mistake. (5769/ 2009).What was Miriam & Aharon’s loshon hara. Sources: Rashi, Rashbam, Chizkuni, Tur, Ohr Hachayim, Arizal, Ram”e, Mglamks, Ma’amar

Biha’alosecha 10:01 – The Chatzotzros (Trumpets) (5770)

Biha’alosecha 10-01. The Chatzotzros (Trumpets). (5770).