Exile and Redemption (073) – Discussion – Shemos – Moshe / Yisro / Bilaam / Iyov
Shemos Exile and Redemption (073) Discussion Moshe leaves Egypt, Ethiopia. Yisro and his role. Bila’am, Iyov, Yisro.
Moshiach Sichos (07) – Bilaam’s Navua (Likutei Sichos vol 13 p 85 ff)
Likutei Sichos vol. 13 page 85 ff. RaShI and the RaMbaM on the Pesukim Balak 24, 17-19 1.) Rashi holds that these Pesukim were Bilam’s way of informing Balak that he had no reason to fear from the Jewish people because it would be a long time before they would conquer Moav. RaMbaM holds that…
Discussion – Shemos – Moshe / Yisro / Bilaam / Iyov
Shemos Exile and Redemption (073) Moshe leaves Egypt, Ethiopia, Yisro and his role. Bila’am, Iyov, Yisro.
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