
Class 37, Perek 3, Class 7. Tanya (text based)

Bina cont. התבוננות (Class One). Emotions (אהבה ויראה) that come from the “father and mother” combination of Chochma and Bina. The idea of using the mind to arouse the heart. The רמב”ם בהלכות מלכים, about not being afraid on the war front by not thinking. This is the explanation found in Chassidus to explain the…

Class 36, Perek 3, Class 6. Tanya (text based)

Bina. Bina is everything Chochma is not. It analyzes and forfeits the light and pleasure of the “Flash of Chochma” for the sake of the credibility and discernment and clarity of Bina. Example from the Rebbe’s teaching a RaShI.

Samach Tisamach 5657 – Class 01

Page 1-2 Chochma, Bina and Pnimiyus Bina.

להבין ענין הנגעים ה’תשמ”א.

The source of צרעת is בינה without חכמה. Explanation: רצוא without שוב. Example: שבת vs. the weekdays.

והניף ידו על הנהר התשי”א

Class One. This class discusses the idea of the splitting the river (בינה) to reveal the essence [מעיין- חכמה]. Just like קריעת ים סוף was not only to save the Jewish people but to reveal Godliness as a preparation for מתן תורה, similarly, the splitting of the נהר prepares for the revelation of פנימיות התורה….