Class 38, Perek 3, Class 8. Tanya (text based)
התבוננות (Class Two). In order to engage one’s mind there must be the אסורה מכאן להתקרב לשם in order to engage with Hashem they need a lot of time to get away from regular life in order to engage with and Daven to Him. התבוננות is not meditation. [I believe that התבודדות which is practiced…
Class 37, Perek 3, Class 7. Tanya (text based)
Bina cont. התבוננות (Class One). Emotions (אהבה ויראה) that come from the “father and mother” combination of Chochma and Bina. The idea of using the mind to arouse the heart. The רמב”ם בהלכות מלכים, about not being afraid on the war front by not thinking. This is the explanation found in Chassidus to explain the…
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