
Shofar (Yeshiva, Elul 5780- 5781), Class Nine.

Shofar (Yeshiva, Elul 5780- 5781), Class Nine.Explaining that the reason for the need for בנין המלכות (specifically) is due to seven differences between Malchus and the other Sfiros:1) The difference in the source (RaDlA or Arich)2) It’s Mihus (One point vs nine Sfiros (in hiding))3) The אופן or מציאות of it’s Mihus4) The method of…

MM 5660 Min HaMaitzar – Class 04

Page 2. we explore ‘Binyan Hamalchus’, both the Mashal of Adam and Chava and the Nimshal

MM 5660 Min HaMaitzar – Class 03

(page 2). this class explains what the Avodah of Rosh Hashana is, we explore ‘Binyan Hamalchus’, and the Avodah that inspires it as an introduction to the Ma’amar’s discussions on the topic.