
11 Birchas Hashachar (07-09) (Short) Roka Ha Aretz Al HaMayim (07), HaMaichin Mitzadai Guver (08), Sheusu Li Kol Tzurchi (09)

Short Class On all three Brachos (Yeshiva 5780). These three Brachos deal with the ability to walk the earth, which allows us, human kind to be “outside our source” and exercise free will in doing our purpose. The land rose up over the sea, and He gave us (and continues giving us) the steps with which…

04-05. Asher Yatzar and Elokai Neshama (5780/ 2019) Yeshiva

Asher Yatzar and Elokai Neshama These two Brachos are a pair: Guf and Neshama. A brief overview of these two Brachos and their interface.

08. Birchas HaShachar (01) Hanosain Lasechvi Bina Lihavchin Class One.

Hanosein Lasechvi Vina… Class One. Wednesday 24 Kislev 5774/ Nov. 27 2013. The idea that we open these blessings by thanking Hashem for the rooster’s wisdom seems odd. What is the big deal? 1) This is about being in control of time even as we sleep which God created the rooster to help with. 2)…

05 100 Brachos Wednesday 10 Kislev 5774/ Nov. 13 2013.

100 Brachos This long class explores the idea of 100 Brachos as one of the oldest ‘customs’ Jews have. What it means, why it started, and what is the secret behind it. The class concludes with a wonderful explanation according to Chassidus.

04. Asher Yatzar – Part One. Wednesday 5 MarCheshvan 5774/ October 9 2013. (Machon Chana).

04. Asher Yatzar (Part One). Wednesday 5 MarCheshvan 5774/ October 9 2013. (Machon Chana). 1) The blessing for nature and (specifically) for life and human life. 2) Different versions. 3) five ideas: A. Life, B. The moment of birth, C. In the service of God, D. The correlation between man and Atzilus, E. The struggles…

03 Netilas Yadayim and the Bracha, Al Netilas Yadayim Wednesday 7 Tishrei 5774/ September 11 2013. (Machon Chana).

Netilas Yadayim and the Bracha, Al Netilas Yadayim. This class on the Bracha of Netilas yadayim focused on the reasons for washing (both negative ones, going out of what is negative) and positive ones (going into K’dusha). It is for the latter reason that we make a Bracha. Why negel vasser is intermittent and other…