Nasso 06:22 – Birchas Kohanim (5766)(03)
Nasso 06- 22. Birchas Kohanim (5766), Class Three.If you missed parts 1 and 2 – and you are looking for the Chassidus of Birchas Kohanim – this is the class for you! Rabbi Paltiel covers the Kabbala on Birchas Kohanim with Rabbeinu Bechaye, Rikanti, and Chassidus from Likutei Torah.
Nasso 06:22 – Birchas Kohanim (5766)(02)
Nasso 06- 22. Birchas Kohanim (5766), Class Two.This week’s parsha class is a continuation of a 3 part series on Birchas Kohanim – Part One appeared last week. This second installment focuses on the commentary of Rashi, Even Ezra, Rabbeinu Bechaye and the Ralbag. Chassidus on Birchas Kohanim is covered in Part Three which will…
ViHinei Parach matei aharon 5745,
Class One. First level of Birchas Kohanim: it comes from the highest level and therefore descends to the lowest place and is guarded there. Class Two. Birchas kohanim cont. 2) the matei Aharon reveals the infinity of the Bracha of the Kihuna from the beginning, 3) The Birchas kohanim transform evil to good. This would…
Ko Sivurchu 5745.
Class One. Another Ma’amar that is (in part) a Mattan Torah Ma’amar. Why is Hashem introducing Himself as the Redeemer and not as the Creator, considering that Creator is Yesh MeAyin and a far greater miracle? The Rebbe explains because we look at things when they are actual (revealed) and not potential (hidden). Though from…
Ko Sivurachu 5744.
1) Lichatchile Ariber in learning Torah. 2) Birchas Kohanim, higher than Bracha and Tefilla. 3) What Yoseph wanted that Ya’akov could not do for him at the moment. 4) What does the Kohein get for blessing us, Rabbi Yishmael “a Kohein helps a Kohein”.
וידבר ה’ …כה תברכו …יברכך גו’ התשמ”ג.
ברכת כהנים is a familiar theme in Chassidus. In this מאמר the רבי turns the ברכה המשלשת (triple blessing) into the ברכה המחומשת (the quintuple blessing). He explores the idea of ברכת המזון after a כזית וכביצה which is לפנים משורת הדין gets us נשיאת פנים.
Nasso 06:22 – Birchas Kohanim (5766)(01)
Nasso 06- 22. Birchas Kohanim (5766), Class One.This class on Parshas Nasso covers the Birchas Kohanim which is a part of the YomTov service in which the Kohanim bless the congregation. Sources include Rashi, Rashbam, Baal Haturim, Ralbag, Chinuch, Rabbenu Bechye, Rikanti, and a Sicha from the Lubavitcher Rebbe.
Hayom Yom – 07 Sivan
Birchas Kohanim, some Minhagim. Dreams, why we pray for them in Birchas Kohanim?
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