
Birhdays, Stories, Minhagim, Mazal (Beis Rivkah Seminary 5780)

Birhdays, Stories, Minhagim, Mazal (Beis Rivkah Seminary 5780)1) History of the celebration of birthdays (way before 25 Adar 5748) from the Ba’al Shem Tov onward. By the Rabbeiim it was secret and private until 5687. In that year, when the Rebbe RaYaTz survived his imprisonment and exile he began saying Chassidus in public on 12…

25 Adar 2 5776.

A thought on the Rebbetzin and the birthday campaign.

25 ADAR 2 (5771).

A short thought. (Given at Beis Midrash Linashim). A Class. (Given at Beis Rivka Seminary). (based on the Rebbe’s Sicha 25 ADAR 5748). What, how and who should this celebration happen.