HaYom Yom – 17 Tamuz (3)
Class Three: The first Luchos were מכתב they were not written onto the Luchos, the Luchos were simply made with them on them. The second Luchos were כתב written onto the stone. In both cases it is carved. The idea of אותיות החקיקה and אותיות הכתיבה and אותיות על פה and what they mean in…
HaYom Yom – 17 Tamuz (4)
Class Four: The first Luchos is Tzadik and the second is Ba’al Teshuva. Differences between Tzadik and Ba’al Teshuva, like the Beis Hamikdash, don’t allow for a בעל מום because it is the world of balance and Tzadik, and one who has a blemish and compensates (in the Rebbe’s words: they are מצויינים they make…
HaYom Yom – 17 Tamuz (5)
Class Five: With the first Luchos, Moshe received 1,000 lights, which he lost after the Chet HaEgel, and now (with the second Luchos) he has them only on Shabbos. [Suggested explanation:] But with the second Luchos he received the idea of קרני עור פניו his face radiated. The thousand lights, are not able to become…
HaYom Yom – 17 Tamuz (6)
Class Six: Second Luchos included Halachos, Midrash, Agados etc. The question of חוטא נשכר (the sinner profits?!) is addressed here. The answer is we lost much of the Ruach HaKodesh that had been but we gained the need for and the benefit that comes from groping and tapping in the darkness, and thus the increase…
HaYom Yom – 17 Tamuz (2)
Class Two: This class discussed the first difference between the two sets of Luchos: The stone came from where? The first set was never a part of the world, the second set came from the world and needed to be elevated. Explanation: מה נורא המקום הזה אין זה כי אם בית אלוקים and the Targum…
HaYom Yom – 21 Tamuz (2)
Class Two: Question of Galus vs. Shina as opposed to Asleep vs awake. The “Farbrengen” of this Hayom Yom, the Pintteler Yid. 1) We see it in Mesiras Nefesh 2) (but) Nowadays we see it (more) in Teshuva. Stories for each are provided. [Incidental thought: Is the twelve step program against Torah?]
HaYom Yom – 12 Menachem Av (2)
Hayom Yom 12 Menachem, Class Two.The Baal Shem Tov The Mezritcher Maggid and the Alter Rebbe three levels in Ahavas Yisroel.NOTE: there is a mistake in the quote of the Ba’al Shem Tov’s vort in this class; the source is Likutei Sichos vol 2 page 299 ff. Please see there.
HaYom Yom – 12 Menachem Av (1)
Hayom Yom 12 Menachem, Class One.Chassidus is the Torah of Ahavas Yisroel.
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