HaYom Yom – 15 Tamuz (2)
Class Two: Stories of Reb Nochum Tchernubiler (that have some connection to Chabad).
HaYom Yom – 18 Sivan (2)
Class Two It would be terrible for a Jew whose ancestors paid the price of getting to the end to be lost at the last moment. We mustn’t lose them now. All of us must do what we can in this regard.
HaYom Yom – 18 Sivan (1)
Class One The obligation lies on each person to be דורש טובת זולתו so he not be lost to the coming of Moshiach. What is דורש טובת זולתו, the story of ר’ בערע וואלף קאזעווניקאוו.
HaYom Yom – 16 Sivan (2)
Class Two Three potential bases for the spiritual illness. 1) The body is coarse, [the solution: עאה דלא סליק בי’ נהורא מבטשין לי’ גופא דלא סליק בי’ נהורא דנשמתא מבטשין לי] to break it 2) The faculties, along with special gifts (such as a great mind heart, eyes or ears) come special challenges, this is…
HaYom Yom – 16 Sivan (3)
Class Three Until one has clarity about the diagnosis and is able to heal the specific spiritual illness in its specific way, he must 1) maintain an equilibrium, and 2) complement it with a strong desire to correct it 3) and a hope and trust that he will eventually.
HaYom Yom – 16 Sivan (1)
Class One This class begins discussing the parallel between physical and spiritual illness. As long as you can’t diagnose what is wrong, keep the overall body healthy. To cure, you must examine the specific ailment, even though we are dealing with spirituality- the Soul.
HaYom Yom – 20 Sivan (1)
Class One Yechidus determined the Mind and Heart of each Chossid – It was according to his Mehus HaAtzmi. This statement seems circular, we resolve how it isn’t. Yechidus for a lifetime.
HaYom Yom – 20 Sivan (2)
Class Two Continued, Yechidus. Hiskashrus based on the story of Beis Nissan and the Rebbe RaShaB’s desire to be with his Chassidim at the moment of Histalkus. Yechidus is a symptom of this Hiskashrus.
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