
Bo 13:02 – Kadesh Li Kol Bechor: the Mitzvos of the First born (Yeshiva 5781/ 2021)

13-02 Kadesh Li Kol Bechor, the Mitzvos of the first born (Yeshiva 5781/ 2021).The first Mitzvos “after Mattan Torah: are Parshas Bo, they include 1) The laws of the Torah calendar 2) Mitzvos of Korban Pesach 3) Eating Matza 4) Against having Chometz on Pesach 5) Telling our children the story of Yetzias Mitzrayim at…

Hachodesh 5739; Parshas hachodesh Maamar

Class One: This class (the first of two on this Ma’amar) deals with the idea of: לא הי’ צריך להתחיל התורה אלא החודש הזה לכם, ומה טעם פתח בבראשית? משום כח מעשיו הגיד לעמו לתת להם נחלת גויים The Torah doesn’t bring בראשית just to defend a non-Jew’s onslaught, but because the world is where…

Likutei Sichos – Vol 01 p 127 ff – Mesiras Nefesh

Bo Exile and Redemption (112) The Mesiras Nefesh it took for the Yidden to trust Hashem and hold and kill the Idol of Egypt and its reward.

Likutei Sichos – Vol 36 p 045 ff – Killing the First born Egyptians and Saving the Yidden

Bo Exile and Redemption (114) Likutei Sichos vol. 36 page 45 ff. [A Rashi Sicha]. Two expressions, two actions, both at the same time. ועברתי the killing of the Egyptian first born is a passive act, achieved in one pass over Egypt. ואצא בתוך מצרים the saving of the Jewish people happens proactively with much…

Likutei Sichos – Vol 01 p 127~128 – Mesiras Nefesh to Kill the Egyptian god

Bo Exile and Redemption (112) The Mesiras Nefesh it took for the Yidden to trust Hashem and hold and kill the Idol of Egypt and its reward.

Likutei Sichos – Vol 16 p 114 ff (02)

Inside. ר’ מתיא בן חרש who lived in Rome taught that to create the nation of Yidden we must do two things: 1) Go out of evil and idolatry, through the Korban Pesach. 2) Bring good and holiness in, through ברית מילה.

Likutei Sichos – Vol 16 p 114 ff (01) Introduction

This class discusses the Jewish people’s preparation for leaving Egypt. It involved the two bloods: 1) Mila 2) Korban Pesach. To be continued.

Likutei Sichos – Vol 03 p 868 ff (03)

Stopping time vs. dividing time; the best of both and it’s spiritual implications.

Likutei Sichos – Vol 03 p 867-8 (02)

The entire event is an expression of the unconditional love of Hashem to the Jewish People. But we must nevertheless prepare: The preparation for going out of Mitzrayim is Mila and Korban Pesach.

Likutei Sichos – Vol 03 p 864 ff (01)

The last מכה is different than the others inasmuch that it goes beyond “educating” Egypt to killing Egyptians. The question became why are these more deserving than these? And no answer of logic exists; it is just because of a transcendent love.