
Toras Menachem – Letter 7 MarCheshvan 5712.

A letter for 20 Marcheshvan 5712, the Rebbe published the Maamar Smuchim La’ad 5680 with this Letter. In it he addresses the idea of a person’s years continuing after the Histalkus. (Question: does this apply to everyone or only a Tzadik or Nassi?).

Toras Menachem – Breishis 5712 – Class Four.

Third Sicha. Lavan’s kissing the children, addresses the idea that we, as children of Hashem, are loved unconditionally and not reciprocally.

Toras Menachem – Breishis 5712 – Class Three.

Second Sicha (cont.). The Koach Yaakov got from 1) Lavan who gave him sparks he couldn’t elevate deliberately (himself), 2) Meeting the Malachim, had he trusted more, there’d be no struggle with Aisav.

Toras Menachem – Breishis 5712 – Class Two.

Second Sicha introduction. Introduction to second Sicha. VYaakov Halach LiDarko with koach Lavan chased after him to give to him. What it means to us and Avoda. Page_110.

Toras Menachem – Breishis 5712 – Class One.

First Sicha. Shabbos Breishis, the way we start the year so goes all of the Year. The Tzemach Tzedek’s lengthy Maavir Sidra. This affects Rachavus (boundlessness) in everything including Gashmiyus. Page 109-110.

Braishis Bara 5746.

Braishis includes the creation of 1) Heaven and earth, 2) the four letters of Hashem’s name as 3) Divided into the ten utterances of the creation. This is paralleled by the Braishis, the two firsts: Torah and Yisroel who are also divide into 1) Heaven and earth, 2) the four worlds of Torah and a…

Breishis 5745.

Breishis includes the world as it is in 1) the Torah, 2) in the Sefiros and 3) down here. The point is the Torah down here!

Braishis 5744.

This Possuk is hard to understand. RaShI explains that it means the first of the things to be created were… The Zohar has trouble with this and explains that this Possuk is about the ten Sfiros. Chassidus adds that 1) the ten S’firos are created Yesh MeAyin, 2) They serve the lower worlds, as they…

בראשית ה’תשמ”ב.

Class One. We need walls to protect us in two ways: 1) Protect Klipa from coming in and getting more life than what Hashem allotted for it. [Klipa exists to give us more meaningful free will and the additional life it leaches adds to fulfilling it’s purpose of challenging our free will] 2) Prevent Klipa…

בראשית ברא אלוקים ה’תשמ”א.

Two levels of wholeness and perfection and the difference between them: 1) אלה תולדות השמים והארץ בהבראם- עולם על מילואו נברא. 2) אלה תולדות פרץ- לעתיד לבא יעלה הפורץ לפניהם. These are two levels of perfection, one in the beginning of time there everything is A. potential and not yet actual, B. limited and in…