נעשה אדם ה’תשי”ז.
Class One. Two types of seeing through the”garments” of the eye and directly from the Etzem. Two types of Hashgacha: 1) through מלאכים that act like eyes, 2) directly- כאישון עיני. Two types of Avodah: Mind and heart and Essence- Yechida, There’s a bringing of the higher level into and through the lower level. Class…
Breishis 06:06 – Hashem’s ‘Regret and Depression’ (5774/2013)
Hashem’s ‘regret and depression’. What is the meaning of ‘His heart’ and more. RaSaG, Rashi, E. Ezra, RaMabaN, R. Becahyey, Likutei Sichos.
Breishis 01:26 – “In Our Form and In Our Image”
Man was created “in our form and our image” what could this possibly mean?
Breishis 01:01 – Breishis Bara Elokim (5767)
Commentary on the first possuk in the Torah. This class on Parshas Bereishis (Genesis) includes an extensive analysis of the very first pasuk (line) of the Torah. After describing creation, the Torah describes chaos. Commentaries discussed include Rashi, Ramban R. Bachaye, and several sichos. This is an intermediate to advanced level class.
Breishis – Boro Park Series (1999)
Bereishis 1999 – Boro Park Series Enjoy this Classic Paltiel class from the Maayan Chai Series.
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