
Bris Mila (Yeshiva 5781/2020)(04)

Bris Mila (Yeshiva 5781/ 2020), Class Four.Two circumcisions: one we can do, so we must do on our own; the second we cannot do so He does it for us.When one Davens he is in a position to affect in himself BOTH (!!!) levels of Bris. So, when we daven we can and must do…

Bris Mila (Yeshiva 5781/2020)(03)

Bris Mila (Yeshiva 5781/ 2020), Class Three.RaMbaM continued. The second reason for the Bris, is, that as the Bris separates us from the rest it also acts as a unifying force among us. An undeniable marker: who is a Jew. We introduced the Alter Rebbe (Tanya letters 4) at the end of the class: Mila…