
Bris Mila (Yeshiva 5781/2020)(01)

Bris Mila (Yeshiva 5781/ 2020), Class One.1) RaMbaMJust how important is the Bris Mila, it separates us from others and thirteen Brisos were written in regards to it2) MidrashThe Bris corrects an inexactitude in the “perfect body” G-d made, the controversy regarding this is self-evident.

Bris Mila (Yeshiva 5781/2020)(02)

Bris Mila (Yeshiva 5781/ 2020), Class Two.The Rambam (More NIvuchim 3, 49) disagrees with this Midrash (explained by the RaSag) he cannot accept that what Hashem made isn’t perfect, it is only that we cannot handle the perfection.He introduces his (first of two) reason for Bris, it is to diminish and curb the Ta’ava (lust).