
Chanuka, the Gemara and the Rambam (Class One of Two)

Chanuka, the Gemara and the Rambam, Class One.

Simcha and Chanukah (5780/ 2019)

Simcha and ChanukahHalachically there is no Simcha on Chanukah (because we don’t celebrate the victory at war) but the Rebbe so much wants to find a way a bringing Simcha to Chanukah.

14. Mitzvasa Mishetishka Hachama 5738 (Muga)

Mitzvasa Mishetishka Hachama 5738Class One:This Ma’amar is Hemshech from the previous one.The Rebbe is discussing the idea of transforming darkness to light.In this Ma’amar the Rebbe explains (based on a Gemara) that whatever is in Klipa is in Kedusha first. He gives three examples:1) The setting sun in Kedusha is the transference from Atzilus to…

13. Tanu Rabbanan Ner Chanuka 5738 (Muga)

Tanu Rabbanan Ner Chanuka 5738The issue of Chanuka, was an attack on the Soul (purity and holiness) of Yiddishkeit. It didn’t mind the Torah as long as it was intellectual, and Mitzvos were ok, as culture without Him C”V. The Mesiras Nefesh came from Yechida, completely removed from reason, and is one where one seems…

Class fifty seven

Class Fifty Seven. This class is not text based and includes the Chanuka part of the Ma’amar (from the beginning of Perek 1 and Perek 4). The basic idea is that the Chashmonim demonstrated such a great Mesiras Nefesh as to make it possible to use their energy to light up the night, the street…

Chanuka (hypocrisy and) Alexander and Shimon HaTzadik (5779/ 2018).

A thought on a New York Times article making the Chanukah story into a war between factions of Jews. But he still is lighting the candles. Shimon HaTzadik prayed that Alexander of Macedonia should succeed and what it means to world history from a Jewish (religious) point of view.  

Rani ViSimchi Bas Tziyon 5745.

This is a Chanuka Ma’amar Rani ViSimchi is the Maamar of Chanuka (and Bihaalosecha, after Shavuos). It explains three levels and then a fourth. The three are the regular concerns of a Yid: 1) Mitzvos, 2) Torah 3) Mesiras Nefesh in the daily performance of Torah and Mitzvos. The fourth is called ‘Bas Tzion’ and…

רני ושמחי בת ציון התשמ”ב.

This is a Chanuka Ma’amar. This Ma’amar is about Galus and is therefore appropriate for Chanuka, since it is a Galus Yom tov though it occurred during the time of the Beis HaMikdash Thus, Rani which means to sing which is done from distance and darkness (as the Zohar states) brings one close, In fact…

HaYom Yom – 02 Teves

HaYom Yom – 02 & 03 Teves. 02 Teves from minute 0:00 – 43:40 ChanukahSyrian Greeks wanted to take the Elokus out of Yiddishkeit.Do what you want – its a nice custom, but dont do it because Hashem said.The thinking of the Yidden vs the thinking of the Syrian Greeks as regards to Torah, and…

HaYom Yom – 29 Kislev (2) / HaYom Yom – 01 Teves

HaYom Yom – 29 Kislev (2) 0:00 – 37:08Chanukah, Hellenist Culture, Assimilation, Separation between Yidden and Goyim. Teshuva and Mesiras Nefesh HaYom Yom – 01 Teves 37:08 – 46:35Hallel, Half Hallel, Brocha on Hallel, Putting on four pairs of Tefillin HaYom Yom – 02 Teves 46:35 – EndRead Entry, Chasam Sofer Story