
HaYom Yom – 28 Kislev / HaYom Yom – 29 Kislev (1)

HaYom Yom 28 Kislev: 0:00 – 26:38 minChanukah, Latkes Evening, Retelling Chassidishe Stories, Chanukah Gelt HaYom Yom 29 Kislev (1) 26:38 min – endChanukah, Hellenistic Culture, Separation between Yidden and Goyim

Class # 20

Part 2: Idea of Chanuka. Torah and neshamos. Text: p 35 First Paragraph. To the outside: The purpose of the Chanukah Licht is for pirsumei HaNes. Put the licht in the doorway on the LEFT side opposite the mezzuza. If there is no mezzuza, put it on the right side. Questions: 1) Why to the…

06. Boruch Sheusu Nissim 5715 (Muga), (Fourth of 5 Ma’amarim in this Hemshech)

Class One/ Twelve (המשך).   Class Two/ Thirteen (המשך).   Class Three/ Fourteen (המשך).   Class Four/ Fifteen (המשך).

07. Mitzvasa Mishetishka Hachama (נ”ח מצותה משתשקע החמה) 5713.

Three types of candles exist: 1) The Menora in the Beis Hamikdash, 2) Shabbos Candles, 3) Chanuka Candles. The first two are kindled by day as they are Aharon’s lighting up the Jewish Souls “in the place of light”, while Chanuka Candles light up the Jewish Soul “in the place of darkness”. This Maamar includes…

Veatta BiRachamecha 5748.

Chanuka celebrates (the days and ) numbers 24, 25, and 26. We (nowadays) celebrate only 25- WHY.

Ki Ata Neiri HAVAYA 5747.

The G-Dliness reveled at the time of Chanuka , in the darkness, comes from very high. It joins with regular everyday life and light of a Yid.

Mai Chanuka 5747.

The Chanuka candles celebrate the war. The candles are the Candles of the Neshama and (Torah and) Mitzvos.

Bayom Hashmini 5746 (Chanuka).

This Maamar is Muga. The number eight is higher than order, but not all “eighths” are equal. The eighth of Miluim is relative to Hishtalshelus, while the eighth of Chanuka is connected with Atzmus.

Ner Chanuka 5746. (5772/2011).

7 Mitzvos of the Ribanan, elevate the left [as if we were to say “Smol mikareves”], but only once the 613 Mitzvos diOraisa have made a Keli for the right side. This explains much about Chanuka licht: Their 1) side (left) 2) number (eight) 3) time (after dark) and location 4) (outside).

VaYeshev Yaakov 5746. (5772/2011).

Vayeshev: above work and yerida tzorach aliya is real and constant peace that is after descending into Eretz Migurei Aviv and (lower still) Eretz Kinaan. Later he descends further into Mitzrayim and achieves an even higher VaYechi! How this ties into Chanuka, Golus etc.