Vayeshev Yaakov 5712.
Class One. Peace exists on two levels: 1) You fight and win resoundingly, 2) there is no fight in the first place, the enemy is automatically vanquished. In Vayeshev, Yaakov is aspiring to the higher peace but gets instead the lower one: In golus Mitzrayim he has tranquility. Class Two. The Chanuka miracles are like…
Topsy Turvy 5773/2012.
Everything is upside down in the Chanukah story; the Kohanim are the one’s on the battlefield. But they get to light the menorah also (anyway).
Rosh Chodesh Teves, the middle of Chanuka. (5772/2011).
Why Chanuka is at the end of the month and actually goes from (the end [disappearing moon] of) one month into (the birth of) another, Rosh Chodesh Teves is where ruchniyus translates into Gashmiyus.
Kislev to Teves, Longer Version.
Kislev to Teves, Longer Version. is the only Yom Tov that starts in one month and ends in another. From Kislev (the third) to Teves (the fourth) of the winter months.
The third light and the Alter Rebbe’s redemption. (5773/ 2012).
Chanukah and Chassidus and oil. A thought on Chanukah Gelt.
Candles of the Menora in the Beis HaMikdash, Chanuka Candles, Shabbos Candles.
Why the RaMbam connects Shalom Bayis of Shabbos Candles to Chanuka.
Chanuka Gelt.
Why gelt and what’s gelt. Why on Chanuka? Some thoughts. Short Version. Longer Version.
Not in the desert.
Not in the desert.The date of Chanukah (25 Kislev) has an affinity for the idea of renewal. This is evidenced from the fact that in the desert the Mishkan (tabernacle) was completed on 25 Kislev 2449. But it’s construction and use was postponed until (the end of Adar and) Nissan of that year. This date…
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