The Rambam’s view on Chanuka.
The Rambam contends that on Chanuka we celebrate both the miracle of finding the oil as well as the war. He therefore holds that Chanuka (like Purim) requires a feast. A Note from Y.D.: Your shiur on the Rambam’s view on Chanuka–You mentioned that you don’t know where the Rambam gets the idea of the…
A collection of many short thoughts on Chanuka that summarize many of its points.
This class includes numerous short ideas on Chanuka woven into one. This class was given at Hadar HaTorah
Beis Yosef’s question and the Rebbe’s answer.
One of the most explored questions in Yiddishkeit (with scores of different answers)- why is Chanuka eight days and not seven. This question is resolved by the Rebbe in a most unique way.
Ve’al Hanissim
Ve’al HanissimThe prayer said in Shemona Esrei and benching (in “Hoda’a”) its meaning (in part) and where we recite it and why. This class is based on source material. Some of the thoughts however are (semi)original and each person will judge for himself. First Version. (5668). Second Version. (5669).
Miracle Of Chanuka.
The story and miracle of Chanuka is the story of Yidden’s Mesiras Nefesh, sacrificing even their Ruchniyus. This created the incredible miracle.
Vayeshev Yaakov 5712.
Class One. Peace exists on two levels: 1) You fight and win resoundingly, 2) there is no fight in the first place, the enemy is automatically vanquished. In Vayeshev, Yaakov is aspiring to the higher peace but gets instead the lower one: In golus Mitzrayim he has tranquility. Class Two. The Chanuka miracles are like…
Toras Menachem – Vayeshev 5712 (01) First Sicha.
Introduction to the Maamar Vayeshev that explains the connection between Vayeshev and Chanuka. Page 212.
Toras Menachem – Vayeshev 20 Kislev 5717 (01) – Sicha One.
Class One. 19 Kislev 5560, and the Alter Rebbe. The comparison between Chanuka and Yud Tes Kislev.
Miketz – Beginners Class – Connection to Chanuka (1999)
A story about a famous Chasid, comments on the story of Yosef HaTzadik and Chanuka as well. An enjoyable shiur.
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