Lesson 2 Tanya Lectures – Iggeres Hateshuva
Chapters 1-3 also address the question of fasts as they do or don’t relate to Teshuva.
Lesson 1 Tanya Lectures – Iggeres Hateshuva
Chapter one of Igeres Hateshuva introduces the Mitzva of Teshuva at its most basic; reflecting the possibility for anyone who so desires to do Teshuva successfully.
Lesson 03 Shaar Hayichud Vihaemuna
Chapters 1-2. Constancy of creation. There are divine words that are manifest in each creation (individually and) constantly, to perpetuate their continued existence from nonexistence (G-Dliness). This requires a constant involvement of the Creator in His world.
Tanya Lectures (03) – Likutei Amarim – Chapter 01
Chapter one. Tzadik ,Beinoni, Rasha. Their meaning in Gemara vs. in Zohar. There are Talmudic sources for the mystical interpretation!
Tanya Lectures (04) – Likutei Amarim – Chapter 01
Chapter one (end). The Alter Rebbe introduces us to the two souls and forces in the world. G-Dly (ideal) and animal (subjective, selfish).
Class 20, Perek 1, Class 10 Tanya (text based)
מדות טובות בטבע כל ישראל בתולדותם continued. The word טבע is qualified here as being a fixed set of characteristics like the exoskeleton of an arthropod, a hard shell that is binding and unchanging.
Class 19, Perek 1, Class 9 Tanya (text based)
מדות טובות בטבע כל ישראל בתולדותם Part one. 1) In Kabbalah goodness means altruistic goodness not self serving goodness (this is on the mystical level “evil”!). The idea that the Jewish animal soul has good is therefore quite remarkable. 2) The Rebbe points out that the Alter Rebbe only lists רחמנות וגמילות חסדים (compassion and…
Class 18, Perek 1, Class 8 Tanya (text based)
The מדות של נפש הבהמית. In this class we explored the four elements Fire, Wind, Water, and Earth and the idea that in each person there’s a different tendency or מזג. Some are אש inclined, while others are מים inclined etc. We touched on each of the nine מדות רעות listed here: 1) anger, 2)…
Class 17, Perek 1, Class 7 Tanya (text based)
The נפש הבהמית is in the לב ודם. The נפש האלוקית is in the מוח. These two compete for the whole גוף. We explain it’s need to speak the נפש הבהמית language to relate and vice-versa. The fight.
Class 16, Perek 1, Class 6 Tanya (text based)
סטרא אחרא vs. צד הקדושה. On earth there are three levels and ideas: 1) חוב and 2) איסור, and 3) רשות. On the תורה שבשמים level, if it isn’t holy it is automatically anti-holy. This is why all that is not holy is סטרא אחרא וקליפה. In other words it is טומאה.
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