Class 50, Perek 3, Class 20 Tanya (text based)
Perek 3 Class 20 (50) This is the continuation of the discussion on Da’as. It’s the tool of personalization. Levels of Da’as. Meshalim for Da’as.
Class 49, Perek 3, Class 19. Tanya (text based)
This class we began discussing דעת. דעת is התקשרות that what you are involved with matters and is personal. It is a tool that is ours to use at will just like חכמה ובינה etc.
Class 48, Perek 3, Class 18. Tanya (text based)
חושים (Three). A) חושים not only take in, they give out very deep things. But in and of themselves they could be very deep and have no connection to the essence of what is real which is why they are called in קבלה with the name הבלים. B) חוש המישוש according to the רמב”ם is…
Class 47, Perek 3, Class 17. Tanya (text based)
חושים (Two). Introduction thought for the convention. חושים help a person go from the most removed to the closest very quickly, but very fleetingly. Some חושים are quicker than others (like ראי’ה vs. שמיעה) but the quicker they are the more fleeting is the affect on the person.
Class 46, Perek 3, Class 16. Tanya (text based)
חושים (One). חושים are not discuss in Tanya at all. A system that is very superficial on the one hand and it touches the essence on the other. The problem with no work. The difference between כחות and חושים. The difference between חוש and כשרון. The letters of the Frierdike Rebbe to his daughter הרבנית…
Class 45, Perek 3, Class 15. Tanya (text based)
מלכות (Class Two). מלכות is the lowest ספירה so it has the highest source. Two ideas: A) The רוממות of מלכות and its טבע להיות נמשך אל השפל must be from the deepest in עצומ”ה where the זולת is also included. B) קבלת עול מלכות שמים is rooted in עצמות, because only from there will…
Class 44, Perek 3, Class 14. Tanya (text based)
מלכות. It’s inner dimension is רוממות and it’s outer dimension is עשי’ה. Explanation.
Class 43, Perek 3, Class 13. Tanya (text based)
נה”י continued. נצח and הוד fight with an opponent. יסוד does what needs to be done and has no opposition. The idea that the lower the level of the נפש, the higher its source, and in this case it is the idea that נה”י are connected to the עצם הנשמה more than חב”ד וחג”ת. This…
Class 42, Perek 3, Class 12. Tanya (text based)
This class explored נה”י. Here too, נצח is outer, הוד deeper, and יסוד deeper still. A) נצח is aggression and taking on an enemy by being forward thus: it is קו הימין. B) הוד is stubbornness, hunkering down against all comers without giving an inch, but it is passive not aggressive. C) יסוד is drawing…
Class 41, Perek 3, Class 11. Tanya (text based)
מדות חג”ת נה”י והחושים. This Perek addresses all ten כחות, but he only explains the three מוחין חב”ד. The seven emotions חג”ת נהי”ם and the five חושים which are ראי’, שמיעה, ריח, טעם, מישוש. We will attempt to explain all these things over the next several classes. In general the emotions in קבלה are only…
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