TANYA CHAPTER 15 CLASS 5 (121) end of Perek.
TANYA CHAPTER 15 CLASS 5 (121) end of Perek.The Lo Avado becomes Avado1) Either by revealing the Ahava Misuteres. This is considered the person’s work for revealing new.2) By arousing original emotions, that when fully aroused are the level of Avoda Tamma LiBeinoni.
TANYA CHAPTER 15 CLASS 4 (120).The dilemma of the “Lo Avado” Beinoni- what can someone do “if it is easy for him”? Those that (though they have a Yetzer HaRa) don’t struggle either from birth (and nature) or habit; what are they to do?The answer (in a word): 101 times, We can always push ourselves…
TANYA CHAPTER 15 CLASS 3 (119).A second kind of Lo Avado- through habit Torah (and Mitzvos) become like second nature.He is motivated by his Ahava Misuteres in it’s hidden state, thus rendering the Ahavah “Lo Avado” as he has done nothing to arouse it.
TANYA CHAPTER 15 CLASS 2 (118).Various ways to achieve Beinoni “Lo Avado”:1) if he has these three character traits (together):A. מתמיד בלימודו בטבעו מתגבורת המרה שחורהB. מצונן בטבעו.C. מחוסר הרגש הנאה בטבעו.
TANYA CHAPTER 15 CLASS 1 (117).Beginning of Perek 15.Tzadik and Rasha vs Avado and Lo Avadosuperficially these are the same ideas twiceBut on a deeper level they are very different.Tzadik and Rasha means (as is the case often in the Tanya) Tzadik and BeinoniWhile Avado and Lo Avado are levels in Beinoni.Oved vs Eved doing…
Tanya Lectures (17) – Likutei Amarim – Chapter 15 18 19 25
Chapter 15 (end), 18, 19, 25. Third category of Beinoni: Working with “Ahava Misuteres”; hidden love for G-D hidden in the soul of every Yid. Harnessing that power (of self sacrifice) for one’s regular service of Hashem. Note: Lessons 17-23 explain the (Ahava Misuteres) Soul based (rather then the mind over heart) Beinoni.
Tanya Lectures (16) – Likutei Amarim – Chapter 15-17
Chapter 15, 16, 17. second category of Beinoni: Avado through “Moach Shalit Al HaLev”, Mind (either) educating (or) dominating the heart. 1. Highest kind of Beinoni “Avoda Tamma”- full passions towards Hashem; 2. Kach Ya’asa, where the passions are not so manifest, but are enough to fight the Yetzer Hara.
Tanya Lectures (15) – Likutei Amarim – Chapter 15
Chapter 15. First category of Beinoni: “Lo Avado”. A Beinoni who is either naturally good (dispassionate, studious, not materialistic) or who has developed habits that allow him to be a Beinoni without struggle.
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