
Tanya Lectures (44) – Likutei Amarim – Chapter 39-40

Chapter 39-40. Faults in one’s Kavana, Lack of motivation, selfish motivation, negative motivation.

Tanya Lectures (42) – Likutei Amarim – Chapter 38-40

Chapters 38-40. Though there are four categories of servant of G-D each in their own “world”, still all of us have (potentially) all four levels and can sometimes exceed our own level.

Tanya Lectures (41) – Likutei Amarim – Chapter 38-40

Chapter 38-40. This is the second part of the discussion on the four levels of Kavana. 3. Kavana rooted in creating original (outside of one’s nature) passions from one’s MIND. 4. “MERKAVA”, Kavana that reflects an intimate sense of G-Dliness (as the baseline of one’s connection to G-D).

Tanya Lectures (40) – Likutei Amarim – Chapter 38-39

NOTE: For technical reasons the first several minutes of this class were lost. We apologize. Chapter 38-39. This is the first of two classes. The Rabbi divided the level of “KAVANA” into 4 levels (only three appear explicitly in the Tanya; the fourth is alluded to at the end of chapter 40 in a note)….