Tanya Lectures (55) – Likutei Amarim – Chapter 48-49
Chapter 48-9. Avoda (practical) lesson from the mystical concept of Tzimtzum. Squeeze yourself in your commitment to Hashem. Birchos Krias Shma- their meaning.
Tanya Lectures (54) – Likutei Amarim – Chapter 48-49
Chapter 48-9. Mystical discussion. The meaning of the first Tzimtzum (Siluk- complete departure); and the later Tzimtzumim (Mi’ut- the light isn’t removed, only diminished). G-D (in an allegorical sense) squeezes Himself so there could be a world (us, our egos etc).
Tanya Lectures (52) – Likutei Amarim – Chapter 46 48 49
Chapter 46, 48-9. Love for G-d out of gratitude. He has favored us not because of our own worthiness (at all). The less deserving we are the more we should feel indebted to Him. Note: Lessons 42-6 (chapters 46-50) deal with love a gratitude, Kamayim HaPanim LiPanim. Ch. 50 addresses Love from strength.
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