Tanya Lectures (59) – Likutei Amarim – Chapter 52-53
Chapters 52-53. Every world has (these) levels: 1. Torah and Mitzvos- Brain; 2. Shechina rests in Beis Hamikdash; 3. Radiates to the whole world 4. LUCHOS manifest directly in the physical world (NOT in the higher ones).
Tanya Lectures (58) – Likutei Amarim – Chapter 51-53
Chapters 51-53. Torah and Mitzvos- are the brain that allows Shechina to rest in Malchus- the Beis Hamikdash.
Tanya Lectures (57) – Likutei Amarim – Chapter 51-53
Chapters 51-53. Torah and Mitzvos are vehicle to reveal Schechina down here. analogy of the Soul manifesting in the body via the head and brain. Note: Lessons 57-60 (chapters 51-3) end the Beinonim section with the discussion of the Beis HaMikdash and the manifesting of the Shechina.
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